质检报告查询|质检报告书|3c认证查询|证书查询 - 深圳迈科检测认证官网


点击下方图片跳转证书报告验证系统/Please click the image below to jump to the Certificate report verification system


2023年9月9日前签发的报告查询验证请在下方输入证书/报告号码For reports issued before September 9, 2023 please enter the certificate/report number below

感谢您使用本网站报告验证查询系统, 与此操作相关提示如下:
Thank you for using declaration/report query system, and this tips are as follows:
1. 为方便您的查询, 本系统只需简单输入声明/报告号码便可轻松进入数据库.
For the convenience of your query, you only need type declaration/ report numbers and can be easily entered into the database.
2. 请将声明号依次填写,不足之处留空.
Please fill in the declaration number in turn
3. 本系统仅用于证实您所查询文件的有效性,至于该编号所对应之相关详细信息,仅在文件所有人书面同意的前提下,方可向本机构索取。
This system is only used to confirm the validity of the files on your request. The relevant details of the files number, you can request to our lab only when you get the premise of file holder in written.




