WP-AC01110V, AP-V14, AP-V15, AP-V16, AP-V17, AP-V18, AP-V19, AP-V20, AP-V21, AP-V10, AP-V11, AP-V12, AP-V13, VSK0613, VSK0657, WP-AC011100V, WP-AC1101000V, WP-ACxxxyyV, WP-ACxxxyyyV, WP-ACxxxyyyyV, ("x" are 3 digit numbers 003 to 048 or 030 to 480 which represent the output voltage from 3V to 48VDC; "yy,yyy,yyyy"are 2 or 3 or 4 digit numbers 10 or 100 or 1000 to 40,400,4000 which represent the output current from 0.010A to 4.000A also can represent mA,V means company name or US,EU,AU and UK plug)
BS EN 55032:2015+A11:2020
BS EN 55035:2017+A11:2020
BS EN IEC 61000-3-2:2019+A1:2021
BS EN 61000-3-3:2013/A2:2021