[AB] Means the year the model was develop. For example, year 2022, AB=22;
year 2023, AB=23
[#]Means the shape of the model
[CD] Means the output of the voltage, from 3V-31V. For example 3V, CD=03; 31V, CD=31
[&] Means the function. It can be blank( 8 function), S(Steady), T(Steady and dimmerable), W(waterfall),G(sync color change), H(digital color change)
[E] Means remote control function. It can be blank(without remote control function), R( can be remote controlled)
[F] Means charging function. It can be blank(can not be charged), U( can be charged by 5V charger)
FCC Part 15, Subpart B, Class B(sDoC), ANSI C 63.4-2014